What’s your star sign? Another Virgo

How long have you been hairdressing? Since 1994

How long have you been at Wildlife? April 2009

What’s a favourite hair tip? Always use a product which has heat protection element.

What was your biggest hair mistake? They weren’t bad at the time, but hindsight is a precious luxury…

Are you a dog or cat person? Both. I’m animal obsessed

Are you a beer or wine person? Both, but Champagne is my fave!

What do you love? I’m loving my new husband

What’s your favourite holiday destination? Ibiza, Las Vegas and any European cities!

What’s a career highlight? Becoming a Business Partner at WildLife Hair SoGo, being nominated for several Industry Awards, including being a finalist for AHJ Men’s and NSW Hairdresser of the Year, Culture Magazine featuring my shoot as ‘Feature of the Week’ and working alongside Kevin Murphy at Myer Fashion show. I am really proud of my platform, editorial and TV work.

What celebrity do most people say you resemble? Kate Moss